Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy for the Hadsch-Umra Reisen App

Welcome to IGMG Hac & Umre 2024, operated by IGMG Hadsch-Umra Reisen GmbH. We value your privacy and are committed to protecting your information. This Privacy Policy explains how we handle your data when you use our app.

Personal Data
We do not collect any personal data.

Sensitive Data
We do not collect any sensitive data.

Anonymous Data
We use anonymous, generated hashes to identify your device and provide VPN access during your group trip. These hashes are not linked to any personal or sensitive information and are used solely to facilitate VPN access.

Use of Your Data
Since we do not collect any personal or sensitive data, we do not use such data. The anonymous hashes are used only for the purpose of providing VPN access during your group trip.

Data Sharing
We do not share any personal or sensitive data with third parties. The anonymous hashes used for VPN access are not shared with any third parties.

Data Processing and Security
We implement various security measures to ensure the safety of the anonymous hashes we use:
Encryption: : All data transmitted through our VPN is encrypted to protect your privacy.
Access Controls: Access to our systems is restricted to authorized personnel who need the information to operate, develop, or improve our services.
Regular Audits: We conduct regular security audits to ensure the continuous safety and integrity of our data processing procedures.

Data Retention and Deletion
We do not retain any personal or sensitive data. The anonymous hashes generated for VPN access are temporary and are deleted once they are no longer needed for providing VPN services during your group trip.

Changes to This Privacy Policy
We may update this Privacy Policy from time to time. We will notify you of any changes by posting the new Privacy Policy on this page. It is recommended to review this Privacy Policy periodically for any changes. Changes to this Privacy Policy are effective when they are posted on this page.

If you have any questions about this Privacy Policy, please contact us through our contact page.
IGMG Hadsch-Umra Reisen GmbH
Effective Date: 01.06.2024

Clear Disclosure for Location Tracking

Additional details on the use of background location tracking:

Why we use background location data: The location data is used to provide participants with relevant information about their surroundings and useful guidance for orientation.

How we use the location data: Die Standortdaten werden verwendet, um den Teilnehmern der Reise relevante Informationen über ihre Umgebung und nützliche Hinweise zur Orientierung zu geben.

Who accesses the data: Only authorized personnel and directly integrated third-party services necessary for the app's functionality have access to the location data.